Thursday, January 08, 2009


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Change and the fortunes that come with it are always made in the DOWN part of the cycle – Seth Godin.
Right now the time is ripe with misfortunes and bad cycles. I believe I have to rise up to the occasion. This is not what I always wanted but this is when I survive and do my best. This is what I keep asking for all the time. Some people need situations, adversity and every piece of misfortune to hit them as early as possible. In my case everything is right now, competition is struck low and feeling worse. All the wave riders have been tossed ashore and people are looking up to each other to stand up and be counted. I have procrastinated for long enough now that even time has started slowing down. I have been chosen to do something which was my last option. The men from above mean it. They are asking all questions of me and my character. I believe its time to stand up and rise to the occasion. I need to make a mark. i need to remember I am getting old too !!!

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Football, philosophy, technology, writing, marketing ideation and all kinds of Randomness From a mind thats hungry forever.